I like / I dislike
Week 07 [20221203-20221209]


Every Monday, the Research Trainees of the CERESE assess the news of the previous week. You can read their opinions below:


I like the news that Iran’s Morality Police was abolished. In the wake of intense protests that have been taking place in Iran for months due to Mahsa Amini’s death after her arrest by the Morality Police, Attorney General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri announced the termination of operations for this specific body. At the same time, discussions are being carried out in regards to the potential review of the 1983 Law for the mandatory use of hijab. This is a landmark decision in the history of Iran, as the first step is made for the eradication of oppression against women and the promotion of their rights.



I like the introduction of a new law in Germany that forces companies to ensure that human rights are respected in all phases of the supply chain. The application of this law will begin on January 1st, 2023 and will initially pertain to businesses employing 3,000 people or more. Although there are many reactions about the potential negative impact of this decision on the economy and production, it is a very important initiative. Quite often, companies are evaluated on the level of human rights protection in their structures, whether it concerns labor rights or the network of partnerships in their overseas operations.



I dislike the news regarding the new deliveries of military equipment from Iran to Russia. More specifically, Teheran has already delivered UAVs and ballistic missiles to Moscow and is expected to increase its deliveries in order to reinforce the Russian operations in Ukraine. This move goes against the terms of the Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015, and further isolates the theocratic regime internationally. Additionally, this development could potentially lead to the involvement of other powers, such as Israel, transforming the war in Ukraine into a wide proxy war. The EU has already imposed new sanctions against Iran.



I dislike that the president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, attempted a coup. In an attempt to prevent the suspension of his duties, due to investigations against him for corruption and influence-peddling, he announced the dissolution of parliament so that it could not be in session. As he mentioned, he also intended to form an emergency government and call elections so that a new Congress with constitutional powers could be elected as soon as possible, in order to create a new Constitution. He also announced that he would proceed with the reorganization of the judicial system. This maneuver was quickly denounced as a coup. Ultimately, his suspension from office for moral unfitness was approved by 101 of the 130 members of Congress. He was subsequently arrested and the 60-year-old Vice President, Dina Boulouarte, assumed power.



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