I like / I dislike
Week 05 [20221119-20221125]


Every Monday, the Research Trainees of the CERESE assess the news of the previous week. You can read their opinions below:


I like the news that the European Parliament designated Russia as a state that sponsors terrorism. On Wednesday, the EU Parliament adopted a resolution on the latest developments in Russia’s invasion against Ukraine. MEPs noted that the deliberate attacks and atrocities committed by Russian forces against civilians in Ukraine, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and other serious violations of international and humanitarian law amount to acts of terror and constitute war crimes. In light of this, they acknowledged Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state that “uses means of terrorism”. The resolution also suggests setting up a system that could pave the way for prosecution of aforementioned crimes. Lastly, the Baltic Republics and Poland have also labeled Russia likewise.



I like the statement made by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, that he condemns the extent of gun ownership in American society and that he will campaign for restricting the circulation of weapons for the remainder of his term of office. While any immediate change seems unlikely given the power balance in the US legislature bodies at present, the tide will undoubtedly turn after this, if only slightly. The importance of this has become clear following the multiple mass murders committed by gunmen in recent months, many of which were motivated by intolerance.



I dislike Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statement about expanding the military operations against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria. The above statement follows a series of Turkish air force bombings against dozens of PKK and YPG targets in retaliation for the Istanbul bombing. This escalation is going to happen in an area where both American and Russian troops are present, with the Turkish Defense Ministry having warned neither the US president, nor the Russian leader, about the military operations that took place during the third weekend of November.



I dislike the agreement for forming a coalition government between the majority party Likud and the far-right Jewish Power party, under the leadership of Itamar Ben-Gvir. This agreement will give Ben-Gvir the position of Minister for the National Security Ministry of Israel. This politician is known for his extremist comments against the Arab community, having been convicted of racism in the past. The position he will hold in the government is concerning, taking into consideration the fact that he is a follower of the racist and ultra nationalist Meir Kahane, whose organization was banned in Israel and is considered a terrorist organisation by the US. Ben-Gvir has made many concerning statements, advocating for the deportation of Arab citizens who are “disloyal” to the state.



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