I like / I dislike
Week 01 [20221022-20221028]


Every Monday, the Research Trainees of the CERESE assess the news of the previous week. You can read their opinions below:


I like the signing of the Israel-Lebanon maritime border deal. The conflict between the aforementioned states concerning the demarcation of their maritime borders began in 2010, when both Israel and Lebanon were claiming sovereignty over the contested EEZ. The abundance of resources in the EEZ seems to have caused the rivalry between the states, because such resources constitute a vital economic advantage to those who harness them. After communicating with both states, the United States of America acted as a mediator to facilitate the discussions in order to reach a consensus. The signing of the deal proves that, despite the Israeli- Lebanese rivalry, the principle of good faith and conciliation is exercised during the peaceful settlement of conflicts, especially when such an agreement enhances the energy resources of both states.



I like the news that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of WB6 agreed to expand their corporation through the Berlin Process. More specifically, the agreement concerns the visa liberation among them and the mutual recognition of university degrees and vocational qualifications. The agreement, which will be officially signed in the Western Balkan Summit, facilitates the mobility of labor force and leads to a further unification of the markets of WB6 countries. Therefore, they are coming closer to their jointly declared goal of a Common Regional Market, as well as to their accession to the EU as full Member States.



I dislike the annual nuclear exercise conducted by the Russian military on the 26th of October, and especially the comments made by President Putin during the proceedings. Russia’s last nuclear military exercise took place four days before the invasion in Ukraine began, and taking into consideration the fact that the Russian military is driven into a corner, this exercise symbolizes the will of Putin to use whatever means necessary to win a losing war. Furthermore, the fact that the NATO operation Steadfast Noon happened sooner than expected is concerning, since this shows a clear escalation in the region, as the situation might reach the point of no return.



I dislike the news that Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS. Cyril Ramaphosa, the President of South Africa, underscored the desire of prince Mohammed bin Salman to lead his country into the BRICS during his state visit to Riadh, where the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding worth 15 billion dollars. The BRICS economies are expected to compete with the economies of the wealthiest countries in the world by 2050, according to the global banking group Goldman Sachs. It’s also noteworthy that due to the utilitarian character of the US’ dealings with Saudi Arabia, the latter wishes to join this bloc, leading to the reduction of oil production. This decision would mean higher gasoline prices this winter.



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